Friday, July 26, 2013

Adios Amigos! Auf Wiedersehen! Sayonara! Ciao!

We got started right away today... first having a demonstration from Pearlanna on how to make delicious muffins. Next we asked campers to complete a few surveys and post test to see what they learned this week. We also use their responses in improving the camp and writing articles like this one!

Once they were finished, campers enjoyed a delicious continental breakfast... complete with the muesli Jackson prepared yesterday and fresh berries from Gabby's backyard. As campers enjoyed their breakfast, we brought our world tour full circle and back to Centre County. Chef gave a presentation of the different types of fresh food and culture you can find right here at home!

Campers then headed back to their kitchens for the final day of cooking to really begin! Each kitchen was in charge of preparing their own homemade pizza, along with a supplemental recipe for the reception! The campers used their expanded palettes to get a little adventurous with their pizza toppings! However they chose to present it though, it was sure to come out scrumptious!

After a few minutes of Wii time, the campers were in their seats to hear one last word from Chef, perhaps one of the most important ones of the week...etiquette! As campers listened, the pizzas came out of the oven and other favorite dishes from the week made their way back into the kitchens. We saw appearances from the Red Lentil Dal, Quesadillas, and Miso Soup... just to name a few!

Friends and family pouring into the Foods Lab in 007 Henderson at exactly noon to enjoy the delicious food and beverages campers prepared throughout the week. Campers toured their loved ones around the lab to different kitchens for the opportunity to sample all different types of food. An award ceremony followed the feast, where each camper was recognized and awarded and their own personalized title. Cook Like a Chef! Ethnic Camp 2013 proved to be a tasty time, and it's safe to say these campers have become quite the world travelers... or at least their palettes have!!

We hope to see you next summer! 

PS. Want to see more photos from today? Click on the linked caption below the photo!! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It seems you love cooking and if you want to be a private chef in austin texas just visit us. God Bless!