Monday, July 11, 2011

Off To A Great Start!

After much pretesting to find out what the campers know before they start, we are finally ready to commence the camp program. Danielle and Kate from Leeds Metropolitan in England have come to help process the paperwork but they couldn't help but get involved in the cooking and tasting too. After hearing all about how we get our taste preferences, the lab procedures and some safety issues from chef, the campers went back to their stations and got familiar with their territory through a Hide 'n Seek activity. Liz impressed upon the campers the importance of menu planning and demonstrated how to use her fantastic online menu planning tool. A Taste Workshop followed, small samples of the 5 basic tastes to tune up the palate. Campers watched as chef demonstrated how to cut vegetables and handle a knife safely--without cutting off a fingertip ;-]--and then they went back and prepared Minestrone Soup and a big tossed salad to have for lunch with home (well, lab) made bread. Lowfat milk proved to be the favorite beverage! After watching a demonstration about how to wash dishes, the campers went back and cleaned up their stations well enough to earn the "Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval" from Snigdha.

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